31 January 2005
Carlos Benito Garcia Cruz died in a pool of blood in his apartment. He lived with Manolo Salazar, his killer. What made them enemies? Did he cheat in poker? Were they friends, or joined by the Want Ads? Did they travel together from Guatemala? Were they secret lovers? Did they speak even the same language? Can we blame the kitchen knife?
Covered in blood, Salazar fought police. He failed to escape. He was the same age as his roommate, 41 (or maybe he was just 39, if we put more faith in a later article), when he slit his throat. How long they stuggled, when the seeds of malcontent were sown is immaterial. Salazar was captured, tried and convicted. It's an old, old story. New text does not fix their quarrel.
Police subdued Salazar as he acted crazy in the street, and EMTs took him to the hospital. While nurses treated wounds on his hands, police noticed an unusual amount of blood soaked his cloths. Thinking someone else must have been injured, they searched Salazar's apartment where they found Cruz with his throat slit.
Resentment or rage
grasped a kitchen knife and ended
the lives of two men