2 February 2005
William Clayter moved to a dead-end street in Mattapan. 17 years-old, he shared an apartment with his mom, another woman and her son, Brandon Henderson who was 24. Clayter and Henderson drove together that day a few blocks away from their home. An SUV slid up. Men jumped out and opened fire.
They hit Henderson in the jaw, Clayter in the chest. Clayter died on the sidewalk. He went to Hyde Park High School and had no criminal record. Henderson had been arrested several years earlier on gun and drug possession charges.
The fued that fueled this hit and run is probably still remembered by someone, maybe retold ad nausiam to a barber. Or nobody really remembers what started the thing, just that it happened, and Henderson did not talk.
Driving down the block
they got ambushed. An SUV
stopped, and lit them up.